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Adalogical Ænigma #33
Fit each white square with the correct line
Simplified Rules
- Bisect each white square, even those with numbers, with either a horizontal or vertical bar.
- A number in a black square specifies exactly how many of its four neighboring square's bars are pointed at the black square.
- A number in a white square specifies the total length of the line passing through the square. No line may pass through more than one number, but some lines will not pass through a number.
Once You've Completed the Grid
- Click show letters.
- Find all of the white squares having an odd length passing through them.
- Reading all of the letters in these squares, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, advancing each in the alphabet (wrapping from Z to A if necessary) by the length of the line passing through it's square, will reveal a clue to your final answer.
- The final answer is 11 characters long. Submit it to aenigma@pavelspuzzles.com for a 10% discount at Pavel's Puzzles and being entered into a drawing for a free X Games puzzle.